Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ten Most Tax Friendly States for Retirees

The 10 Most Tax-Friendly States for Retirees
Posted 6:00AM 11/22/12
Posted under: Retirement

Retirement Alaska

for more info

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

8 Ways Kids Can Give Thanks

By nurturing a sense of gratitude from an early age, your children will learn to appreciate big and small blessings.

The ABCs of Gratitude: An A to Z Guide to Giving Thanks

The ABCs of Gratitude: An A to Z Guide to Giving Thanks

Along with friends and family, be thankful for everything from best friends to popcorn to wishes. Guide your child through our A to Z list and find other ordinary and extraordinary things to give thanks for this year!

Quiz: How Grateful Is Your Child?

Your kids might have a lot to be thankful for (like having you as a parent)
but that doesn't mean they realize it. Take this quiz to determine whether
your child appreciates the little things in life.
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Giving Back on a Budget

Donation box
This holiday season, help the less fortunate and donate to the charitable causes you want to support. No matter how tight your budget is -- and, let's face it, almost every family has trimmed its spending in the past couple of years -- there are lots of ways you can make a difference this holiday without digging deep into your pockets.

NATIONAL CRISTINA FOUNDATION - Donate electronics, computers etc

Many people are looking for a charity to donate to this Christmas.  Well here is one that you can give to not only during the holidays, but year round.  They and their partners accept Computers, printers, scanners, zip drives, and fax machines.
photo of Cristina McMahan, for whom we are named
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