Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

CRAFT: Tooth Bear

tvs5769.jpgThese little hand-stitched felt bears have an important duty: safely guarding teeth awaiting pickup by the Tooth Fairy. As Martha Stewart Living television stylist Cindy Treen demonstrates, you'll need to know several basic embroidery stitches for this project: the backstitch, satin stitch, French knot, and whipstitch.  [from]

CRAFT: Insect Finger Puppet

tvs8359.jpgWith just a few basic supplies, you can transform a stray glove into an assortment of whimsical toys that will provide your children with hours of amusement. As Martha demonstrates, you can use the basic butterfly technique (below) to create other charming creatures, including dragonflies and bumblebees.

CRAFT: Felt Cherry Pie

4087_021809_feltcherrypie.jpgMake this adorable felt cherry pie -- it's perfect for any play kitchen.  [from]

CRAFT: Stuffed Pig

This petite argyle pig is so cuddly, you'll want to produce a whole pen's worth. Wrap up a woolly creature to give to your favorite tot, or use one as a stocking stuffer.  [from]

CRAFT: Memory Quilt

ft_quilt01.jpgA baby's clothes acquire history so quickly: There is the blanket she came home from the hospital in, the overalls she wore while learning to crawl, the flannel pajamas she fell asleep in at night. For those items too precious to give away, or too stained to pass along, there is a solution more creative and less cluttering than a box in the attic -- a baby memory quilt that is sure to become an heirloom.  [from]

CRAFT: Monster MItten

0206_kids_gtanimittens.jpgOn chilly days, slip kids' hands into mittens you've decorated to look like ferocious beasts. Try a pair of fire-breathing dragons for maximum toastiness. If it's bitingly cold, however, our shark works best. Lion mittens are especially good when the wind roars. To create them, simply sew features cut from felt to fleece mittens. Buttons and embroidery will complete the face.  []

CRAFT: Bandanna Clothing Crafts

Make these carefree days even sunnier by creating fun-to-wear children's play-clothes out of colorful bandannas. The six projects here are easy for anyone with basic sewing skills.  [at]


CRAFT: Felted Stuffed Animals

la102166_1106_1animal_l.jpgThese petite stuffed animals -- a Fair Isle lamb, a cable-knit chicken, and an argyle pig -- are so cuddly and simple to make, you'll want a menagerie. The toys, which range in height from 5 to 8 inches, are each assembled from a few basic felt pieces and plumped up with batting. Appendages, such as floppy ears or wings, are easily added during sewing. Wrap up the woolly creatures to give to your favorite tots, or use them as stocking stuffers.

CRAFT: Stuffed Animals from Kids' Drawings

mkd101699_wi08_penguins.jpgTo bring a child's drawing to life, pin the cut-out drawing, facedown, to two pieces of fabric. Trace with a fabric pencil, leaving about 1/4 inch all around. Cut out. Sew on button eyes. Pin fabric again, right sides facing. Sew together, leaving an opening for batting. Stuff with batting, and then sew closed. Sew on other features, such as ears, limbs, and embellishments.

[From Martha Stuarts website.  Really cute idea.  I plan on making these for my grandkids!]

Sunday, December 30, 2012

32 Survival Skills Your Child Should Know and Be Able to Do ASAP!

  • Grow vegetables from seeds
  • Have local edible and medicinal plant foraging skills
  • Knowledge of dietary needs and how to meet them using wild plants and game
  • Make a fire and know fire safety
  • Cook on an open fire
  • Open a can of food with and without can opener (rub can lid ridge on cement and then pry open with knife)
  • Be able to tell if food is too spoiled to eat
  • How to safely use a knife
  • How to shoot a sling shot
  • How to hunt small game with snares, traps and sling shot
  • How to fish and hunt-bow & gun when old enough
  • How to clean fish and wild game
  • Find water and identify if it’s safe to drink
  • Filter and boil water to drink
  • Basic first aid
  • Basic hygiene practices
  • Find or build a shelter in the wilderness
  • How to stay warm, cool and dry in the elements
  • How, Why and When to stay hidden
  • Self defense
  • How to make a basic weapon and how to use it
  • Be able to run and walk a good distance and be in generally good shape
  • How to climb a tree- to get away from predators, get directional barrings, and hunt.
  • How to read a map and use a compass
  • How to read the sky for directions, time and approaching bad weather
  • Know where family and friends live if they need to find them
  • How to sew so they can mend clothing or any fabric and even make things such as bags or scrap quilts
  • How to bargain and trade (Kids naturally do this with their toys so teach them at garage sales.)
  • How to be responsible for themselves and to be aware of their surroundings at all times
  • Have a natural curiosity and good problem solving skills
  • Be hard working and a self starter and a family helper not a complainer!
  • Have a strong faith in God (morals, memorize bible verses, prayers, songs, and have a hope for heaven)

  • For more

    Tuesday, December 11, 2012

    Lunchbox Awesome bento lunch boxes for kids

    There is this lady who makes bento box lunches for her son.  They are so cute!  She is at

    Bento Year 2 Day 6
“On your marks, get set… uno for the money, due for the show, tre to get ready, and quattro to… I can’t believe it… GO!” -Luigi
So this year is going to be a little tricky for bento making because I am traveling quite a bit. Hence the gap in days. This lunch is inspired from my trip to Disneyland and the new Cars Land! Expect to see more cars in future lunches. 

    Read more

    Sunday, December 2, 2012

    Mom, why'd you die so early...

    I am so mad at you for dying so early in life.
    I still had so much to learn, so much to do with you guys.
    I really wished you had taken care of yourselves so you could have lived long, great lives.
    When Sadi, my first grandchild was born, I cried for months (I still do, but not as long), long periods, by myself in my truck driving down the road, mind wandering about what could have been.  Why did you have to die so early.  I wish you could have seen how J and KT grew up, how we all wandered all over with the Navy, staying in different parts of the world, 3 yrs at a time.  I can't seem to stop wandering.
    Mom, when you died, you took a big chunk of my heart with you, I could no longer bare the disfunctionality of our family.  I swore I would never live close to our primary family again.  The fighting, the arguing, the cussing, the physical fights, the mental fights, the emotional fights all tore down my spirital self.
    There have been so many times that I wish I could talk to you for a few hrs to answer the important questions that only you could have answered.
    You were my best friend and I got lost when you died.  23 yrs later and I am still running.  I can't seem to find my way, a solid path that I could walk, that could mend my broken heart.
    But I had to go on, I had 2 kids to raise - without you. I messed up a lot.  The kids are mad at me for raising them the way I did.  Yet, they loved the fact we have traveled all over the USA and Canada.  Been to every major museum, Presidential Libraries, most Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefields.  I tried to subject them to our culture, to learn first hand our history.
    I was a major volunteer for the Red Cross, took the kids to all the fires that I had to go to in the middle of the night, trying to help victims of disasters.  I worked every major disaster here in the US and the kids helped out along the way.  KT even manages a homeless shelter for the county we live in.  It's akin to working a Red Cross shelter during a disaster.  She's really good at it, she learned something very important.  Give back to the community you live in, help where ever you can.  Something you taught me from the time I came out of the womb...thanks Mom.
    I am so mad at you for not being there when I got my first Navy Achievement Medal.  When it was being pinned on me, my eyes welled up and my throat tightened so badly, I couldn't even talk.  I know you were there, I could feel you.  But not from this world.
    You didn't get to see the kids in martial arts, winning trophies.  KT in tap and ballet.  Both graduation from kindergarten, from elementary to middle school, from middle school to high school.  And finally, at their high school graduations.  You didn't get to see Jason go in the Marine Corps, or see me and Jason standing next to each other in our military uniforms.  I was so proud, but I didn't have amother or father to share that pride with.
    Jason getting married and having two babies.  KT graduating from college.  Jason, a federal law enforcement officer.  So many things you missed out on.  I miss you so much.
    I just pray that I don't leave this earth before my grandkids are grown and have children of their own.  I fear death.  Not for me, but for the survivors.  I don't want them to go thru the pain of watching loved ones wither away to nothingesss.  I don't want to tear a part of their hearts out, wounded the rest of their days.
    Mom, I love you very much.  I wish we had talked more, argued less.  The world is a totally different place now.  I remember how I hardly ever had enough money to make long distance calls.  So that burden was on you and dad to call me.  Now there's the internet, email, chat, IM and best of all, cell phones.  We can't live without our cell phones.  I constantly think about how we were really robbed growing up.  I wish we had the technology back when I was growing up.  I sure could have used a 'chat' with you.
    God I miss you and Dad.  You died way too early.
    The holidays are upon us now.  A bittersweet time for me.  I try to think positive, but it's hard when you and dad aren't here.  I wish you could see the faces of the grandbabies on Christmas morning.
    I miss you.  I wish you were here.  I could really use a big hug right now.
    I love you..

    Sunday, November 25, 2012

    Ten Most Tax Friendly States for Retirees

    The 10 Most Tax-Friendly States for Retirees
    Posted 6:00AM 11/22/12
    Posted under: Retirement

    Retirement Alaska

    for more info

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012

    8 Ways Kids Can Give Thanks

    By nurturing a sense of gratitude from an early age, your children will learn to appreciate big and small blessings.

    The ABCs of Gratitude: An A to Z Guide to Giving Thanks

    The ABCs of Gratitude: An A to Z Guide to Giving Thanks

    Along with friends and family, be thankful for everything from best friends to popcorn to wishes. Guide your child through our A to Z list and find other ordinary and extraordinary things to give thanks for this year!

    Quiz: How Grateful Is Your Child?

    Your kids might have a lot to be thankful for (like having you as a parent)
    but that doesn't mean they realize it. Take this quiz to determine whether
    your child appreciates the little things in life.
    Read complete article

    Giving Back on a Budget

    Donation box
    This holiday season, help the less fortunate and donate to the charitable causes you want to support. No matter how tight your budget is -- and, let's face it, almost every family has trimmed its spending in the past couple of years -- there are lots of ways you can make a difference this holiday without digging deep into your pockets.

    NATIONAL CRISTINA FOUNDATION - Donate electronics, computers etc

    Many people are looking for a charity to donate to this Christmas.  Well here is one that you can give to not only during the holidays, but year round.  They and their partners accept Computers, printers, scanners, zip drives, and fax machines.
    photo of Cristina McMahan, for whom we are named
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    Sunday, October 7, 2012

    Want Your Kids to Eat More Fruit? Elmo May Help

    September 3, 2012 at 11:03 am , by ,

    A new study from Cornell University suggests that just as brand names tempt us to buy certain soft drinks or candy bars, certain brands can also lead kids to selecthealthy reports.
    In this case, the “brand” was Elmo. Researcher Brian Wansink wondered if Elmo stickers would make foods more appealing to kids.
    Wansink and his team observed 208 children ages 8 to 11 as they ate lunch on five consecutive days. Each day the kids could choose an apple or a cookie (or both). On the first day, they were offered “unbranded” cookies and apples without Elmo stickers, so researchers could see their baseline choices. For the next three days, researchers offered cookies and apples with or without Elmo or another cartoon character the kids didn’t know. The last day, the cookies and apples were again sticker-free to determine if the effect lasted.
    There was very little difference in the number of children who chose the cookies with the Elmo sticker versus the number who chose the unbranded package. But Wansink says he was surprised at the impact the Elmo sticker had on kids’ apple decisions – more than double chose to take the branded fruit. And that healthy effect lasted through the weekend.
    “This study suggests that the use of branding or appealing branded characters may benefit healthier foods more than indulgent, more highly processed foods,” the authors wrote in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine journal.
    Now if we could just figure out how to get that furry red face on some broccoli!

    Get Your Fruits and Veggies

    Getting your kids to eat their 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day is often a seemingly unconquerable challenge. These tasty veggie side dishes are an important addition to any meal (or great on their own) and kids will actually want to eat them! Fruit makes a super snack and is a healthy and satisfying replacement for dessert.

    Minty Peas

    Minty PeasThe natural sweetness of peas is complemented by the subtle flavor of mint in this simple side dish. Choose frozen peas when you shop, as they're generally more flavorful and lower in sodium than canned peas.
    Roasted Red Pepper Soup
    Roasted Red Pepper SoupKids will love the creamy texture and sweet red pepper flavor in this quick and easy soup. Both comforting and nutritious, it's a great midday meal when served with some whole-wheat toast for dipping.
    Crinkly Carrot Fries  
    Crinkly Carrot FriesAntioxidant- and vitamin A-rich carrots are as fun as they are healthy in this tasty side dish. The veggies won't be left on the plate this time -- we promise!
    Fruit Smoothie
    Fruit SmoothieSmoothies are fast, delicious and packed with nutrition when you skip the ice cream and use a combination of yogurt and juice. Feel free to use frozen bagged fruits like berries, mangoes or peaches instead of fresh -- they're just as yummy.
    Fruit-and-Cheese Salad
    Fruit-and-Cheese SaladThe mere mention of salad for dinner will often send kids running in the other direction, but you'll be surprised at how much they'll go for the luscious combo of pear and cheese in this dish. If your family doesn't like spinach, swap in fresh romaine or spring greens.

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Kid Crafts: Easy Flower Experiment

    By Jessica Brown, Photos by Lenora Gim 

    Think you need a degree in biology to introduce your child to science? Fortunately, an easy experiment like this one, which shows in colorful detail how plants consume water, is all it takes to spark his curiosity.
    Not only will he love watching the flowers change color as they drink the dyed water, he'll also be developing skills he can use in everyschool subject, says Kathleen B. Horstmeyer, director of thepreschool and elementary level of the National Science Teachers Association in Philadelphia. "Science experiments help children as young as 3 become keen observers, think critically, and gain confidence in their ability to solve problems," she explains. "This project encourages kids to ask questions and offer opinions on how it worked."

    You can boost the educational benefits by pointing out the flowers' veins as they change color and asking him what he thinks they're for; he may be able to guess that plants use them to feed. Then discuss why plants need water and how water overcomes gravity.
    "Take the time to learn about the world together," Horstmeyer says. "If you show interest in your surroundings, your child will as well."

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    Yankee Magazine: How to Press Flowers

    Crafts: How to Press Flowers

    by Shelley Wigglesworth

    With the end of the growing season fast approaching, pressing and preserving flowers is an inexpensive and fun way to keep your garden memories alive permanently. Here are simple directions on how to press flowers along with five ideas to get creative with your pressed petals and blooms. Pressed flowers are also perfect for documentation purposes in garden journals.

    How to Press Flowers

    1. Pick flowers when they are at the peak of health if possible. If the flowers are wet, allow them to air dry before pressing.
    2. Place each flower separately between two pieces of square cut plain white paper. Allow for at least a one inch border of white paper on all four sides of the flower.
    3. Place the enveloped flower in the middle of a hardcover heavy book such as an old encyclopedia. Many flowers may be pressed at the same time in one book as long as each flower is enclosed in separate pieces of paper and spaced between several pages each.
    4. Place other heavy hardcover books on top of the pressing book and leave the books sitting for at least two weeks.
    5. At the end of the two weeks, check to see if the flowers are flat and dry to the touch. If they are, they're ready. If flowers show any sign of moisture, place them back in the book between fresh pieces of paper and check them again in a few days. Remove when completely dry.

    5 Simple Craft Ideas for Pressed Flowers

    1. Flower Documentation: Arrange the flowers between two pieces of waxed paper and cover the top of the waxed paper with a thin dish towel and iron. The wax will seal the flowers. When the waxed paper cools, use a permanent marker to write the plant name, the year it was grown and notes about it to add to your garden journal/record keeping.
    2. Bookmarks: Arrange pressed flowers on cardstock paper or recycled greeting cards cut into bookmark sized strips and laminate.
    3. Framed with a Poem: Copy a favorite poem onto handmade or textured paper. Place flowers around the poem to accent it. When you are happy with the arrangement use a tiny dot of tacky glue to secure each dried plant. Let dry and frame as usual.
    4. Handmade Cards/Stationery: Purchase plain card stock paper or handmade paper and fold in half into a card shape. Use tacky glue to secure flowers and spray with a clear sealant if desired.
    5. Place Settings/Mats: Use 11 X 14 inch heavy cardstock paper as a background for place mats and smaller cuts of heavy cardstock paper for place settings. Arrange flowers around names in calligraphy and laminate.

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    Yankee Magazine: How to Dry Seeds

    Gardening: How to Dry Seeds

    by Shelley Wigglesworth

    Dried milkweed pod
    It's time to gather this past summer's seeds from your favorite flowers and veggies to save for next year's garden crops. In this post, I'll explain how to harvest and dry seeds from your garden and share which seeds are the easiest to harvest for great results year after year.  Read more

    The Invasive and Beautiful Bittersweet Vine

    The Invasive and Beautiful Bittersweet Vine

    by Shelley Wigglesworth

    New Englanders know that the bittersweet vine is a catch 22. Loved for its beauty and versatility, yet loathed for its invasive and destructive ways. Bittersweet is an ornamental climbing vine that is native to Eastern Asia. It was brought over to the United States in the 1860s and has been running rampant ever since. Hardy, fast growing and visually interesting, the vines of the bittersweet plant mirror the warm colors of autumn upon reaching maturation. Reddish-brown creeping stems and leaves support clusters of tiny yellow flowers and orange berries that usually bloom just in time for autumn floral arrangements in the Northeastern part of the United States.
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    Yankee Magazine: Make a Lavender Air Freshener

    LavenderMake a Lavender Air Freshener

    by The Editors of Yankee Magazine

    "In the Middle Ages, the laundress was called the lavender," says Lorraine Kiefer, herbal expert and owner of Triple Oaks Nursery, in Franklinville, New Jersey. The name reflected the use of lavender to scent linen and laundry. "If you sprinkle lavender on your carpet or couch before vacuuming, it will be a beautiful air freshener," Lorraine adds. "If you sprinkle lavender oil on furniture, under cushions, or on carpets, it will rid your home of that doggy smell. And cats will refuse to sit in a spot sprayed with lavender oil."
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    YANKEE MAGAZINE: Make Canvas Photo Prints

    [From Yankee Magazine:  Make Canvas Photo Prints, by Bonnie Thomas]

    Canvas photo prints — black and white photos transferred to canvas — are a unique alternative to hanging photos in frames. Canvas boards add texture and depth to photographs, and the transfer method used in this project leaves images looking weathered and aged, which gives the photos additional character and charm. When words are included on the boards you end up with wall décor that combines image and inspiration. The boards also make beautiful handmade gifts.  Read complete article

    Monday, September 17, 2012

    Daddy's at The End of His Rope

    Well tonight your daddy was really frustrated at your mommy.  She wants to get a very large plastic kitchen for you to play with, and your daddy is just sick of having so many toys around the whole house.  He knows the kitchen will only be used for a couple of weeks and then it will be in the way and no longer useful.  He also is worried about all the little toys that go along with it.  Part and pieces all over the house.  I understand his frustration, and wish I could help.  Craigslist has many kitchens and I hope that is where they end up getting one from, if they get one.

    He is tired of having to wake up so early with you and OE, and having to clean up the mess that is left behind all over the house, including dishes etc from the night before.  He goes to work at noon and comes home at 2300.  He is lucky if he gets 4 hrs of sleep.  I wish I could help out...but I'm in Georgia for the next year...

    I miss you baby girl and can't wait to see you this weekend.  I will be up there this Thursday to go to school with you!  I am looking so forward to it!  Can't wait to see you and OE...I love you both with all my heart and soul...mama

    Saturday, September 15, 2012

    15 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Better

    A nutritionist who's also the mother of 7-year-old triplets gives tried-and-true tips for getting your child to eat vegetables, drink milk, try new foods, and more.

     Every single day, I deal with picky eaters both big and small. I'm the mother of 7-year-old triplets, all of whom have very different eating habits; I'm also a dietitian who teaches the professional athletes on the Chicago Bears and Chicago Bulls teams how to improve their diets. Although it's tough to convince a towering basketball player or a 300-pound linebacker that junk food is bad for him, trying to get my kids to eat well can be even more of a challenge. My daughter Kathleen has severe and life-threatening allergies to eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts, and Julia will not eat fresh fruit; luckily, my son, Marty, will try just about anything. Mothers constantly tell me that they feel guilty about their children's diets; they know how important it is to feed their kids healthy foods, but they're just not sure how to do it. Despite my own background in nutrition, I had to go through some trial and error with my triplets. Here are the most important lessons I've learned, which should help you guide your kids to eat better.
    1. Make a schedule. Children need to eat every three to four hours: three meals, two snacks, and lots of fluids. If you plan for these, your child's diet will be much more balanced and he'll be less cranky, because he won't be famished. I put a cooler in the car when I'm out with my kids and keep it stocked with carrots, pretzels, yogurt, and water so we don't have to rely on fast food.
    2. Plan dinners. If thinking about a weekly menu is too daunting, start with two or three days at a time. A good dinner doesn't have to be fancy, but it should be balanced: whole-grain bread, rice, or pasta; a fruit or a vegetable; and a protein source like lean meat, cheese, or beans. I often make simple entree soups or Mexican chili ahead of time and then freeze it; at dinnertime, I heat it up and add whole-grain bread and a bowl of cut-up apples or melon to round out the meal.
    3. Don't become a short-order cook. A few years ago, I got into a bad habit. I'd make two suppers -- one that I knew the kids would like and one for my husband and me. It was exhausting. Now I prepare one meal for everybody and serve it family-style so the kids can pick and choose what they want. Children often mimic their parents' behavior, so one of these days, they'll eat most of the food I serve them.
    4. Bite your tongue. As hard as this may be, try not to comment on what or how much your kids are eating. Be as neutral as possible. Remember, you've done your job as a parent by serving balanced meals; your kids are responsible for eating them. If you play food enforcer -- saying things like "Eat your vegetables" -- your child will only resist.
    5. Introduce new foods slowly. Children are new-food-phobic by nature. I tell my kids that their taste buds sometimes have to get used to a flavor before they'll like the taste. A little hero worship can work wonders too. Marty refused to even try peas until I told him that Michael Jordan eats his to stay big and strong. Now Marty eats peas all the time.
    6. Dip it. If your kids won't eat vegetables, experiment with dips. Kathleen tried her first vegetable when I served her a thinly cut carrot with some ranch salad dressing. My children also like hummus, salsa, and yogurt-based dressing.
    7. Make mornings count. Most families don't eat enough fiber on a daily basis, and breakfast is an easy place to sneak it in. Look for high-fiber cereals for a quick fix. Or, do what I do and make up batches of whole-grain pancake and waffle batter that last all week. For a batch that serves five, sift together 2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, and 2 Tbs. sugar. When you're ready to cook, mix in 2 Tbs. ground flax meal, 2 cups water, 3 Tbs. canola oil, 1/4 tsp. vanilla, and 2 Tbs. applesauce.
    8. Sneak in soy. Even if your kids don't have milk allergies, soy milk is a terrific source of healthy phytochemicals. My kids don't like soy milk but don't notice when it's hidden in a recipe. I use the low-fat, calcium-fortified kind in some recipes that call for milk, such as oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and sauces.
    9. Sprinkle some sugar. Julia eats her cooked carrots with a bit of brown sugar, and I mix a little root beer into her prune juice to make prune-juice soda. Kathleen and Marty like a sprinkle of sugar on their fruit. I know that they'll eventually outgrow this need for extra sweetness, but in the meantime, they're eating fruits and vegetables.
    10. Get kids cooking. If your children become involved in choosing or preparing meals, they'll be more interested in eating what they've created. Take them to the store, and let them choose produce for you. If they're old enough, allow them to cut up vegetables and mix them into a salad. Although Julia refuses to eat fresh fruit, she and I make banana or apple muffins together -- and she always eats them once they're done.
    11. Cut back on junk. Remember, you -- not your kids -- are in charge of the foods that enter the house. By having fewer junk foods around, you'll force your children to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products.
    12. Allow treats. Having less healthy foods occasionally keeps them from becoming forbidden -- and thus even more appealing. We call candy, soda, and cookies "sometimes" foods. I generally buy only healthy cereals such as Cheerios and Raisin Bran, but I let my kids have sugary cereals when they visit their grandparents or when we're on vacation. And I treat them to McDonald's for lunch every so often.
    13. Have fun. The more creative the meal is, the greater the variety of foods my kids eat. We make smiley-face pancakes and give foods silly names. (Broccoli florets are "baby trees" or "dinosaur food.") Anything mini is always a hit too. I often use cookie cutters to turn toast into hearts and stars, which the children love.
    14. Be a role model. If you're constantly on a diet or have erratic eating habits, your children will grow up thinking that this sort of behavior is normal. Be honest with yourself about the kinds of food messages you're sending. Trust your body to tell you when you're hungry and when you're full, and your kids will learn to do the same.
    15. Adjust your attitude. Realize that what your kids eat over time is what matters. Having popcorn at the movies or eating an ice-cream sundae are some of life's real pleasures. As long as you balance these times with smart food choices and physical activity, your children will be fine.
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    Montessori School

    This last Thursday, 13SEP2012, you began Montessori School!  Your daddy and OE get to go with you every Thursday so you can learn new things and socialize with other babies your age.  Daddy said that you and your cousin didn't want to have anything to do with sitting in a circle and listen to your teacher.  And OE crawls all over the place I guess!  I will be heading up there next week to see you and OE and spend about 10 days or so with you.  I have a few more books I am bringing with me so we can do little learning snippets.  MaMa missing you little baby girl...can't wait to see you!

    11SEP2012, Libyan Consult Debacle

    [Baby Girl, I am putting this on your webpage so you can view it when you are old enough to watch it and understand what molds America's conscience.  Our world is in such turmoil.  Maybe your generation can resolve it...]

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    Protect Yourself and Your Family from the Current West Nile Virus Outbreak

    As of September 4, 2012, 87 deaths caused by West Nile Virus have been reported in the United States. There have been 1,993 cases of West Nile Virus in people, with 70 percent of those cases occurring in six states: Texas, South Dakota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Michigan.  Read more at website
    West Nile Virus
    Forty-eight states have reported West Nile virus infections in people, birds, or mosquitoes.
    West Nile Virus is a potentially dangerous illness that is primarily spread by bites from infected mosquitoes. The mosquitoes themselves become infected when they feed on infected birds.
    About one in 150 people infected with the virus will develop severe illness that could cause permanent neurological effects or death. About 20 percent of people can have symptoms for up to several weeks. Eighty percent of infected people show no symptoms at all. People over the age of 50 are more likely to develop serious symptoms.
    The easiest and best way to avoid West Nile Virus is to prevent mosquito bites.
    • When you are outdoors, use insect repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient. Follow the directions on the package.
    • Many mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn. Be sure to use insect repellent and wear long sleeves and pants at these times or consider staying indoors during these hours.
    • Make sure you have good screens on your windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
    • Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children’s wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren’t being used.
    Learn more about the West Nile Virus outbreak from the Centers for Disease Control.

    Public Health Nurse Ready

    Nurses at a Flu DrillPublic Health Nurse Ready (PHN Ready) is an online certificate program for RNs working in public health, or desiring to know about how public health works.  LPNs and other RN's may find the certificate of interest as well. 
    All courses are self-paced and on-line, with most courses providing continuing education credits.  Read more

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Checklist: 10 Foods You Shouldn't Feed Baby

    _ Cow's milk and egg whites, which can cause tummy upset, eczema and other tummy troubles in kids under 12 months.
    ___ Food that is either sticky or really hard (popcorn, peanut butter, marshmallows); they can cause your baby to choke.
    ___ Raw veggies (grapes, carrots) or whole pieces of canned fruit--all choking hazards.
    ___ Nuts. All kinds present choking hazards in children under 4.
    ___ Honey. There's an off chance it may contain bacteria that can cause infant botulism (it doesn't typically happen in babies over 1 or adults, however).
    ___ Anything caffeinated, such as soda or iced tea. Hey, the kid keeps you up enough as it is!
    ___ More than 4 ounces of fruit juice per day. It can cause diarrhea in infants.
    ___ Unpasteurized cheese, which has a slight food poisoning risk in young babies. Most cheeses sold in the U.S. are pasteurized, but just check the label or ask.
    ___ Fish, especially shellfish like shrimp, lobster, crab, scallops--these can trigger an allergic reaction in babies under 1. If fish allergies run in the family, then avoid fin fish until baby's at least 2 (it gives his immune system time to strengthen).
    ___ Swordfish, shark, tilefish or king mackerel, which are high in mercury. Even adults shouldn't eat these very often.

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    Allergy Prevention Tips for Babies

    Introducing your baby to solid foods is exciting but it can also feel like a gamble when you consider the possibility of lurking food allergies. Awareness and preventative measures will help make this transition seem less like a game of Russian Roulette and more like a positive change.

    Timing of Solids

    Is it true that introducing solids before 6 months of age will increase the likelihood that my baby will develop an allergy?
    Dr. Wesley Burks, Professor and Chief of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology at Duke University Medical Center, notes that breastfeeding exclusively for more than 4 months -- and waiting to introduce solids until 4 to 6 months of age -- are two of the best ways to help prevent the onset of allergies. In addition to immune system strength, your baby's gastrointestinal and motor strength will increase month by month. While a 4-month-old might be able to digest solid foods well, she might be more physically adept and attentive at 6 months, making the transition to new foods faster, easier, and less messy.

    Tough Mudder

    [Saturday, 8 SEP 2012, your daddy participated in the TOUGH MUDDER up in Frederick, MD.  There were some really bad thunderstorms and lightening that caused the water obstacles to be taken out of the race.  Your daddy said he had lots of fun, was really beat and they ran out of water, so they couldn't even take a shower before they left.  He went with about 15 other guys he works with.  Your mommy, you and OE went and stayed at your other grandma's house.  I am so proud of your daddy!]

    9/11 Teach and Learn

    Interactive 9/11 Timelines

    This digital timeline chronicles the events of 9/11 and the nine-month recovery effort at Ground Zero using images, audio and video from the 9/11 Memorial Museum's permanent collection.  read more