Thursday, December 29, 2011

child tracker while growing up

She's Here!
Congratulations! After weeks (and weeks) of waiting and wondering, your little one has finally made her grand entrance. And overwhelmed probably doesn't even come close to describing how you're feeling right now. After all, in the space of one magical day, that comparatively low-maintenance baby bump suddenly transformed into a bona fide little person, the kind who needs to be fed, diapered, and comforted 24/7. A little scary, right? Trust us, you'll get the hang of it faster than you imagine.
Luckily, new babies are fairly straightforward creatures, with daily routines that revolve around sleeping, eating, crying, and pooping. For now, sleeping is at the top of her to-do list. The average newborn snoozes around 16-1/2 hours a day -- and some for hours more than that. For now, enjoy the momentary peace -- and snag a catnap (or two) for yourself while you're at it.