Thursday, February 23, 2012

Growth & Development Milestones: 1-3 Months Growth & Development Milestones: 1-3 Months

The American Academy of Pediatrics has identified important milestones for babies ages 1 month through 3 months. We've included fun and easy ways to help your newborn reach these key developmental markers, plus helpful information new parents should know.  Read more

Raises Head & Chest When Lying on Stomach
Watches Faces Intently
Smiles at the Sound of Your Voice
Begins to Develop a Social SmileSupports Upper Body with Arms When Lying on Stomach
Follows Moving Objects
Begins to Babble
Enjoys Being Around Other Babies
Stretches & Kicks Legs When Lying DownRecognizes Familiar Objects & People at a Distance
Begins to Imitate SoundsBecomes More Communicative & Expressive with Face & Body
Opens & Shuts HandsStarts Using Hands & Eyes in CoordinationTurns Head Toward Direction Of SoundImitates Some Movements & Facial ExpressionsPushes Down on LegsBrings Hands to MouthGrasps & Shakes Hand Toys